Marketplace FAQ

How can I buy a CryptoMemories NFT? CryptoMemories NFT-s are sold with regular NFT auctions. Check out the how to buy section for help.

How can I win an NFT auction? You can buy an NFT if you place the highest bid until the end of the auction.

What happens if even bids are placed for the auction? If different users placed the same bid, the user will win who placed the bid earlier

Where can I see the current winner of the auction? At the bottom right corner, you can see the bids with the different wallets. If you are on top, you are the current winner of the auction. But do not forget to use refresh frequently to update the results!

Is the transaction history live? No, you should refresh the page to see the newest bids.

Why is the auction time lengthened? If you place a bid in the last 2 minutes, the auction time will be lengthened by 2 minutes

Will be my Solanas locked if I place a bid? Yes, your Solanas will be locked by the smart contract if you place a bid until the end of the auction. If the auction ends, you can redeem your Solana.

How much does it cost to place a bid? The Solana network is extremely cheap, so almost nothing.

What happens if I am the lucky winner? If you win the auction, you could redeem your NFT which will be available in your wallet.

Last updated